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Shopping Basket Problem
For the shopping basket to function properly your system and web browser must be functioning properly. One or more of the following issues could cause the shopping basket to fail:
  • Your system clock is not current. Being months or years off can cause problems when shopping.
  • Your browser's cookies are not configured properly. The shopping basket relies on cookies to pass data to the website (see below).

What is a cookie?
Cookies are tiny text files websites send to your browser which are stored on your computer so that a site can be customised based on your previous actions or visits to that website. uses cookies to keep track of what you have in your shopping basket and to recognise you each time you visit our store. Cookies are harmless and cannot damage your computer nor do they contain personal or private information.

How to enable Cookies
If you do not know your browser version, select Help and then "About..." from your toolbar.
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
 On a Window PC
Select Tools > Internet Options. Next click on the "Security" tab.

The default selection, "Medium," support cookies but you can click on the "Custom Level" button to double-check. Scroll down until you see the word "Cookies" and verify that the radio button next to "Enable" is selected for both options.

 On a Mac OS9
Select Edit > Preferences.

Scroll down until you see "Cookies" under Receiving Files. Make certain that "Never Ask" is selected.

 On a Mac OSX
Explorer > Preferences > Receiving files > Cookies > "Never ask"

 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5
 On a Window PC
Select Tools > Internet Options. Next click on the "Security" tab.

The default selection, "Medium," support cookies but you can click on the "Custom Level" button to double-check. Scroll down until you see the word "Cookies" and verify that the radio button next to "Enable" is selected for both options.

 On a Mac OS9
Select Edit > Preferences.

Scroll down until you see "Cookies" under Receiving Files. Make certain that "Never Ask" is selected.

 On a Mac OSX
Explorer > PreferencesReceiving files > Cookies > "Never ask"

 Microsoft Internet Explorer 4
 On a Window PC
Select View > Internet Options. Next click on the "Advanced" tab.

Scroll down until you see the word "Cookies" and verify that the circle next to "Always accept Cookies" is selected.

 On a Mac
Select Edit > Preferences.

Scroll down until you see "Cookies" under Receiving Files. Make certain that "Never Ask" is selected.

Choose View > Options. Next click on the "Advanced" tab.

Make sure that "Warn before excepting a Cookie" is not checked.

 Netscape 7 or Mozilla 1
 On a Window PC
Select Edit > Preferences > Privacy & Security > Cookies. Then simply choose to "Enable all Cookies."

 On a Mac
Choose Netscape (Mozilla) > Preferences > Privacy & Security. Next select "Enable Cookies."

 Netscape Communicator 4.0
 On a Window PC
Select Edit > Preferences. Next click on the "Advanced" option.

Check the radio button next to "Accept all Cookies" and click "OK."

 Netscape Communicator 3.0
 On a Window PC
Open "Network Preferences" under Options.

Click on the "Protocols" tab and verify the box next to "Accepting a Cookie" is not selected.

 On a Window PC
File > Preferences > Privacy > "Enable Cookies."

 On a Window PC
Preferences > security > Accept Cookies: "Always" or "Only from sites you navigate to."

 All other browsers
Please consult your documentation or online help files.