Consumer complaints about the high price of printer inks are legendary. The prices of printer ink are high because the printer manufacturers price printers low to get more customers. Many people shopping for printers only consider the cost of the printer when buying a printer and fail to take into account the price of the printer inks. This is the printer inks ‘scam’. Don’t fall for the printer inks scam. Before buying a printer, check the prices for inks. Remember to pay attention to the page yields per cartridge.
Noticing all of these complaints about printer inks prices, a few years ago Kodak entered the printer market with a strategy of lower ink prices combined with higher priced printers. This strategy does save money for people who print more than average. However, evenmore money can be saved by using a printer for which compatible ink cartridges are available. Some review sites have tested compatible cartridges and found that consumer complaints about printer inks are justified. It is a scam? See a video on the scam
Another complaint about printer inks is that some manufacturers have been known to program their printers to stop operating if the ink cartridge is too old – regardless of how much ink is in it and how well the cartridge is working. See a consumer complaint video.
If you’re considering buying a printer, or you’re tired of how much it is costing you to operate your current printer, compare printer cartridge prices on to find a printer that will be economical to operate. Don’t fall for the printer inks scam!